Monique (Yoyo Mode, Agatha Primrose) by Tonnerdoll

As I said, I didn´t have plans to buy Agatha but then I saw the Deborah´s photos of her with Déjà Vu girls.  And now I´m so happy I have my Agatha Yoyo Mode with me. Thank you Cherished Friends! She is amazing!!! She is not a  kind of doll I usually like but I really love her, above all posing with my Déjà vu.

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Playing with Monique :)… Blanca, my Revlon 13, was my first travel doll so I have a lot of clothes for this kind of doll body. Of course I enjoy to redress Monique many times <3.


And I LOVE her long long hair… She is so Monique… so French… so Valois… 🙂monique8 monique91 monique9monique92 monique93

And with Marceline, her sister…  monique94monique95marceline_monique_gal




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